
The market closed on a very positive note. Buyer confidence was more widespread, and they competed stronger towards the close of the sale. All types and descriptions seemed to be in favour with buyers seemingly building inventory. Perhaps the realisation that we have just the one more sale prior to the three-week recess. Following the sale next week, auctions will not resume until mid-August.

AWEX Eastern Indicator compared with 12/07/24

Eastern Indicator

Close: 1107

Change in % unchanged

Authentico Index Values

15 Micron

Close: 3101

Change in %: -1.5

16 Micron

Close: 2128

Change in %: -0.5

17 Micron

Close: 1797

Change in %: -0.4

18 Micron

Close: 1656

Change in %: +1

19 Micron

Close: 1532

Change in %:  -0.7

Authentico Indicator

Close: 1925

Change in %: -0.3


The past month has been a very difficult period with the market easing slowly each week. It was a very positive sign this week. Perhaps we are close to the bottom. All other commodity prices in Australia remain quite strong and unless wool prices improve, the farmer sentiment towards wool production will continue to deteriorate and annual wool production will fall further.

Auction offering – current week

MarketSaleOfferedSoldPassed In
NorthS 03 1191611197 6.0%
SouthM 03 1560314028 10.1%
WestF 03 no sale

Auction offering – next week

Sale days
NorthS 04 T / W 11515
SouthM 04 T / W 16398
WestF 04 T 5651

If you want to see the complete Wool Sales Roster click here.