The market opened strongly on the back of a weaker AUD with the higher AUD price levels remaining generally flat in USD terms on the first day of this week’s sale. It shifted into positive territory on Wednesday as the limited supply was keenly sought after. It’s difficult to find suitable quantity of any reasonable type of wool. The selection is variable and generally disappointing in terms of quality. Despite this, the market advanced. The best value wool appears to be the few better types with Chinese demand dominating. The better European types were least affected this week and the gap in price between the best and the more inferior, is now as low as it’s been since 2020. This is most noticeable in the 16.5/18.0-micron range, where the Italian market is traditionally more active. Demand for the carding sector is also much stronger than it was six months ago. All lower value wool types are being traded consistently.
AWEX Eastern Indicator compared with 28/02/25
Eastern Indicator
Close: 1225
Change in % unchanged +2.5
Authentico Index Values
15 Micron
Close: 2971
Change in %: +3.1
16 Micron
Close: 2167
Change in %: +0.7
17 Micron
Close: 1931
Change in %: -0.1
18 Micron
Close: 1814
Change in %: +1.9
19 Micron
Close: 1735
Change in %: +2.5
Authentico Indicator
Close: 2028
Change in %: +1.3
The volume for sale is not increasing as some might have imagined. Production in Victoria, where the supply is most dominant during this period, has been severely impacted by the ongoing drought. Production in terms of quality and quantity are impacted, and the average micron appears to be finer as a result of the poor season.
Auction offering – current week
Market | Sale | Offered | Sold | Passed In |
North | S 36 | 7701 | 7546 | 2.0% |
South | M 36 | 19130 | 18540 | 3.1% |
West | F 36 | 5767 | 5540 | 3.9% |
Auction offering – next week
Market | Sale | Sale days | Volume |
North | S37 | T / W | 9737 |
South | M37 | W / T | 20322 |
West | F37 | T / W | 7883 |
If you want to see the complete Wool Sales Roster click here.